TTA planned and managed the first grid-connected photovoltaic installations in the year 2000, shortly after the government legalized the connection of photovoltaic generators to the public grid and the sale of this energy to electric utilities. TTA specializes in building-integrated installations and has carried out projects involving photovoltaic power-generation systems on the ground or on the roofs of industrial or agricultural warehouses. In addition, the company has participated in research and development projects with the aim of moving towards smarter grid connection models, with the capacity to manage the electricity generated as a function of the demand curve, and even provide island supply during periods without electricity service.
Technological solutions:
Distributed generation
Building-integrated systems
100% grid-connected systems
Systems with net metering (own consumption)
- ON-GRID (grid-connected)
PROJECTS support consultant for the Kiribati grid connected solar photovoltaic project
PUB | Public Utilities Board / WB
2014 - 2016
This mandate consisted of providing technical assistance services related to the supply, installation and commissioning of PV power plants of 516 kWp total capacity at four sites in South Tarawa to assist the project manager and the team on the technical aspects of the project to ensure successful implementation and commissioning of the power plants.
Phase 1
Phase 2/1
Phase 2/2
Hybrid (grid-diesel-PV) 228 kWp PV rooftop installation - Sustainability of the Gonaives Hospital
UNOPS | Oficina de las Naciones Unidas de Servicios para Proyectos
2014 - 2015
The objective of the project was to Design, Install and Commission a Photovoltaic (PV) plant that will supply renewable electricity to the La Providence Hospital in Gonaives.
The PV plant will be required to operate in parallel with either the EDH Grid or the Generators (3 units of 180 kW) installed at the Hospital, two supply systems that switch between each other depending on grid quality and stability. The PV generation will reduce the demand to the Grid or Generators, providing significant savings to the Operator of the Hospital. TTA’s services included also training of maintenance staff.
Feasibility study for a grid-connected PV power station
Banco Mundial
2011 - 2012
This study related to a 900kWp photovoltaic power station connected to the existing grid and supplied by a group of 1.4 MW gensets each is to be operated by the Public Utility Board (PUB). The study includes an analysis of the maximum installable PV capacity that would maintain grid stability and service quality, as well as of various aspects related to solar generation such as distributed installation for the power station, which is to include 5 plants.
For this study, TTA’s activities involve also:
- Evaluation of the existing power generation system and of existing operational and maintenance procedures.
- Evaluation of the efficiency of gensets used, analysis and optimization of voltage and frequency control systems, analysis of demand and power peaks, recommendations regarding configurations for the installation of new diesel generators.
- Selection of a site, with the aim of ensuring an optimal location between the PV installation and the current diesel generation system, and grid connection points.
- Design of the installations and implementation of procedures for their efficient management.
- Development of technical specifications, preparation of tender documents for the international bidding process for the supply, installation and operation and maintenance.
- Financial and economic analysis, including LCOE (levelized cost of electricity) and sensitivity analyses for different economic scenarios, as well as studies of fuel savings.
- Socio-environmental impact analysis for the implementation, operation and maintenance of the system over the 20 years of its useful life.
Photovoltaic pergola in Sant Just Desvern
Ayuntamiento de Sant Just Desvern
TTA carried out a 12 kWp PV installation project for a pergola in Basses de Sant Pere square, using glass-glass laminates that are semi-transparent in order to let some sunlight through.
1 MW photovoltaic array on the roof of a water treatment plant in Cardedeu
ATLL | Aigües Ter-Llobregat
This project involved using the large surface available on one of the drinking water tanks to distribute a 1,195 kWp PV array, with a nominal capacity of 1 MW, as well as associated inverters, transmission lines, transformers, etc.
CEDRO Technical Back-stopping for the CEDRO Programme
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme - Líbano
2008 - 2012
The CEDRO programme involves developing the use of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in three regions undergoing reconstruction. Trama TecnoAmbiental is providing all technical assistance services as well as conducting training and capacity-building activities, as described in the Renewable Energies section.
Responding to one of the project’s objectives, in order to guarantee an electricity supply free of power outages between 2008 and 2009, photovoltaic systems were installed in 26 schools. This was part of a programme to improve the electricity supply to these schools, which previously were suffering from power cuts on a daily basis. The PV installations (between 1,000 and 3,000 Wp) allow not only the generation of renewable energy, but also guarantee supply during power outages, and allow the schools to save grid electricity during the day and inject surplus electricity into the public grid.
Grid-connected, building-integrated photovoltaic installation programme
AEB | Agencia de Energía de Barcelona
2005 - 2008
These projects focused on the design of grid-connected photovoltaic installations and their integration, as façades and roofing (flat or inclined), into the structures of municipal buildings. Since 2005, TTA has carried out 36 projects in existing buildings or buildings under construction, including civic centres, libraries, primary schools, nurseries, pergolas in public squares, etc. Besides, TTA carried out the technical management of 24 of these projects.
In addition to the electricity injected into the grid, for which the council invoices the electricity company, these installations serve other functions such as:
- Providing a finished cover for sloping roofs.
- Reduction of heat load on roofs.
- Shading of glass façades, sky-lights, windows, etc.
- Shading for public spaces.
- Concealment of components such as chimneys, ducts, dividing walls, etc.
The study of the integration of a PV array in the roof or façade of a building takes into account: its orientation and slope; the structure’s capacity to support the weight of the array; the possibility of the electricity grid and available connections to accept the expected photovoltaic power, etc. This in addition to other basic determining factors such as:
- The efficiency of the generation equipment (absence of shadows,
- ventilation, orientation, slope, etc.).
- The reduction of visual impact (protection of the urban landscape and considerations of the architects responsible for the project).
- The awareness-raising and dissemination impact of PV technology. Agencia de Energía de Barcelona