- Support to the assessment of ten mini grids to improve access to water, energy, and telecommunications needs and support productive uses in South Suriname, December 2022 This technical assistance consists of supporting the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNH), the Ministry of Regional Development and Sports (MROS), and Energie Bedrijven Suriname (EBS) through a technical collaboration with the Interamerican Development Bank (IDB) in the screening, energy, water, and..+
- Inauguración de la planta Híbrida Solar Cerro San Simón, Bolivia, Noviembre 2022 El pasado 24 de noviembre de 2022, se llevó a cabo el acto de inauguración de la planta híbrida solar y red de distribución que suministrará electricidad a Cerro San Simón y las comunidades aledañas en el departamento de Beni, con..+
- Support to the Evaluation of the bids for two grid-connected solar PV power plants, Suriname, Inter-American Development Bank, September 2022 This mandate consists of providing technical assistance services to Suriname’s electric utility, Energie Bedrijven Suriname (EBS), in the technical evaluation of two grid-connected solar PV power plants with an installed capacity of 200 kWp and 500 kWp located in Alliance and..+
- Powering Social Infrastructure Technical Firm – Sierra Leone, SEforALL, March 2022 Technical assistance services to the SEforALL Healthcare team in understanding demand, proposing designs and estimate costs to electrify a given number of hospitals, secondary schools and of health clinics. ..+
- Plan Integrado Nacional de Electrificación Rural de Bolivia, BID, marzo 2022 Servicios para apoyar la elaboración del Plan con base en la situación actual del sistema eléctrico del área rural del país, incluyendo el Sistema Interconectado Nacional SIN y los Sistemas Aislados. Se busca definir un Modelo de Electrificación Nacional a través..+
- Sustainable Energy for Telefomin: Scoping Mission, Papua New Guinea (PNG), UNOPS, August 2021 Services provided by TTA, together with its partner, UPNG CORE, to determine a framework for introducing an optimal set of technologies for a local mini-grid using a solar PV / hydropower hybrid system, and SHSs for the surrounding satellite villages. ..+
- S-@ccess Conference, 4th edition underway, April 26-28, 2023, in Mallorca We are happy to meet you during the S-@ccess Conference now underway until April 28th, 2023 You may keep yourself informed at https://energy-access-conferences.com/ and follow us also on LinkedIn and Twitter. Co-chaimen, Xavier Vallvé of TTA and Werner Weiss of AEEINTEC, Austria, are pleased to welcome all participants on..+