- Updated Feasibility Study & Detailed Design of a Hybrid Power System, at MIRWAIS REGIONAL HOSPITAL, Afghanistan, July 2021 The objective of this project is the hybridization of the existing diesel plant of this large Hospital in Kandahar. TTA will provide services to ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross), as owner’s engineer, including the feasibility study update and detailed design,..+
- Préparation d’une étude sur la tarification et l'élaboration d'un modèle de calcul des tarifs de vente et d'achat de l'électricité produite par les mini-réseaux au Burundi, PNUD, juin 2021 TTA avec son collaborateur local exécutera cette étude qui consiste à évaluer les différentes options d’évolution des tarifs et de leur structure, et leur impact sur l’équilibre financier de l’opérateur de mini-réseaux, ainsi que la standardisation des équipements solaires et autres..+
- Enhancing Energy Efficiency for Humanitarian Infrastructure in Gambella, GIZ, Ethiopia, March 2021 Provision of services to support UNCHR, ARRA (Administration for Refugee & Returnee Affairs) and its partners in enhancing the energy efficiency (EE) of existing and future energy infrastructure and usage. The objective consists of assessing EE and energy conservation possibilities in..+
- Estudio de factibilidad de una planta solar FV híbrida para el municipio de Guayaramerín en Bolivia, marzo 2021 TTA realiza este estudio para el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), cuyo objetivo es optimizar el ahorro de combustibles fósiles en la producción de electricidad y aumentar el uso de las energía renovables, diversificando la matriz de generación, y promoviendo este..+
- Owner’s Engineering services for a pico-hydro solar PV hybrid mini-grid in Vanuatu, UNDP, March 2021 TTA will provide consultancy services to the Department of Energy of Vanuatu for the implementation of a Solar PV-hydro mini-grid in Loltong in North Pentecost island. This mini-grid has been envisioned as a demonstration project for development of several other mini-grids in..+
- Consultancy services to deliver Papua New Guinea Off-Grid Code and Associated Regulations Phase 2, UNDP, January 2021 TTA will pursue throughout the year with Phase 2 of consultancy services to UNDP, after completion of Phase 1 in December 2020. Services consist of drafting of regulations governing tariffs, completing the off-grid code, including capacity building by transferring knowledge and..+
- Consultancy Services for the Design of Mini-grids in Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), January 2021 Provision of technical support services, as Owner’s Engineer, to the FSM’s Department of Resources & Development (DRD) and the Chuuk Public Utility Corporation (CPUC) for the design and technical specifications of a Solar PV mini-grid in Udot island. ..+
- 3rd International Conference« Solar Technologies and Hybrid Mini Grids to improve Energy Access” - s-@access to take place in Mallorca on September 15 to 17, 2021 After postponement due to COVID, Co-chaimen, Xavier Vallvé of TTA and Carsten Hellpap of iiDEV, Germany, are pleased to invite you, on behalf of the Partners’ Organizations and the Scientific Committee, to the 3rd edition of the International Conference..+