- Site Assessment Services for Design of Solar Panel Systems in Three Hospitals in Papua New Guinea, UNOPS, December 2020 The services aim to support UNOPS with the gathering of specific site-related information, which will subsequently be used, for the system design and sizing of an anticipated battery-backup solar photovoltaic (PV) system at each of the three hospitals. ..+
- “AgroFossilFree" project: Strategies and technologies to achieve a European Fossil-energy-free agriculture, October 2020 Trama TecnoAmbiental (TTA) is pleased to be part of the 15 Partners’ Group led and coordinated by CERTH (Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas) to participate in this “AgroFossilFree” project. This AgroFossilFree project, a 3-year collaborativeCoordination and Support Action (CSA) funded with 2..+
- Feasibility studies for Greening UNCHR infrastructure in Gambella, Ethiopia, GiZ, August 2020 Provision of technical and financial advisory services for the electrification of selected UNHCR and camp/settlement infrastructure with solar PV systems. The services aim at determining and developing all relevant data and documentation necessary to procure a suitable system with private sector..+
- Our S-Access International Conference has been POSTPONED until further notice After vote by majority of the participants to hold a face-to-face conference instead of a virtual one, it has been decided by the organizing committee to postpone it until sanitary conditions allow holding it. We do hope that conditions will improve for..+
- Engineering Services for Renewable Energy Projects in Funafuti, Tuvalu Electricity Corporation (TEC), Tuvalu, July 2020 TTA will provide technical and management services to support the Tuvalu Electricity Corporation (TEC) with multiple activities under the Energy Sector Development Project (ESDP). One of the main activities will be the construction supervision of a 768 kWp solar PV plant..+
- Scaling Mini grid: Technical Support, IFC, May 2020 TTA is providing Technical Assistance and supporting IFC Scaling Mini-grid programme by standardizing various processes and documentation for mini-grid development and implementation in Africa. In particular, TTA is producing a Technical Standard Framework for mini-grids and a Project Preparation Approach document...+
- Consultancy services for the elaboration of 30 potential mini grid sites feasibility study, Rwanda, EDCL, February 2020 The overall objective of this contract aims at completing all tasks related to preparation of 30 mini grid projects feasibility studies and the design of a tendering scheme for procurement. It includes technical and financial feasibility studies and PPP operational models’..+
- Consultancy services to deliver Papua New Guinea Off-Grid Code and Associated Regulations, Phase 1, UNDP, January 2020 TTA services aim at the strengthening of the regulatory framework governing the use of off-grid renewable energies in Papua New Guinea, which UNDP is supporting. The services to be provided together with GreenMax Capital Advisors (USA), during a period of over..+
- Ingénieur-Conseil pour le Développement d’une Centrale Solaire PV avec batterie de stockage connectée au réseau, MTPTC / Banque mondiale, Haïti, février 2020 Les services de TTA d’Ingénieur-Conseil sont fournis dans le cadre du projet « SREP Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Program » pour appuyer la Cellule d’Énergie du Ministère de Travaux Publics, Transports et Communications (MTPTC). L’objectif du projet est la mise en place d’une centrale..+
- Conseiller Technique en Développement de Mini-Réseau, MTPTC / Banque mondiale, février 2020 Les services de TTA sont fournis dans le cadre du projet « SREP Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Program » pour appuyer la Cellule d’Énergie du Ministère de Travaux Publics, Transports et Communications (MTPTC). L’objectif est de préparer le cadre pour le développement des mini-réseaux..+
- Consultancy services to deliver Papua New Guinea Off-Grid Code and Associated Regulations, UNDP, January 2020 TTA services aim at the strengthening of the regulatory framework governing the use of off-grid renewable energies in Papua New Guinea, which UNDP is supporting. The services to be provided together with GreenMax Capital Advisors (USA), during a period of over..+
- Consultancy services to deliver Papua New Guinea Off-Grid Code and Associated Regulations, UNDP, January 2020 TTA services aim at the strengthening of the regulatory framework governing the use of off-grid renewable energies in Papua New Guinea, which UNDP is supporting. The services to be provided together with GreenMax Capital Advisors (USA), during a period of over..+
- Our S-Access International Conference has been postponed to September 23 to 25, 2020 Due to the expansion of the coronavirus and the latest measures recommended by International and National Authorities, as organizers together with the Universitat de les Illes Balears and our partners organizations, have decided to postpone it to September 23 to 25,..+
- VACANCIES Vacancies - If you wish to join our team, we invite you to see several current opportunities under tab “Human Resources - Work with us”. More to come soon… ..+
- Services de génie-conseil pour la construction de deux mini centrales solaires PV de 1MWc chacune, République de la Guinée Bissau, février 2020 TTA fournira ces services de contrôle et surveillance des travaux, qui visent à appuyer et accompagner tout au long du processus de construction de ces centrales, l’autorité contractante, la Société africaine des Biocarburants et des Énergies Renouvelables (SABER-ABREC), qui agit au..+
- 3rd S-@ccess International Conference Preliminary programme ready, 73 lectures, 44 posters presentations and experts’ round tables on line, Palma de Mallorca, April 1-3, 2020 This International Conference on Solar Technologies & Hybrid Mini-Grids to improve energy Access co-organized by TTA and Universitat de les Illes Balears of Palma de Mallorca, counts on speakers that come from 32 countries and 5 continents. This will provide a..+
- Jornada sobre Acceso Universal a la Energía, 24 de febrero 2020 TTA estará participando a esta Jornada que tendrá lugar para celebrar el V Aniversario de la MAUE (Mesa de Acceso Universal a la Energía). Iniciativa que impulsa y busca apoyar el objetivo de “garantizar el acceso a una..+