- Technical Backstopping Services related to energy efficiency and renewable energy, UNDP-Lebanon, December 2019 This mandate aims to provide the necessary technical support for the effective design, implementation and validation of energy efficiency and renewable energy activities in the North-Eastern border region of Lebanon. ..+
- Technical Capacity Building to EEA (Ethiopian Energy Authority) and review on mini-grid regulation, Ethiopia, December 2019 Provision of services as technical expert for CADMUS Group LCC / NARUC-USAID, to support EEA in implementing its draft off-grid regulations including the 2020 Mini-grid Directive. ..+
- Puesta en servicio de la planta solar FV híbrida con el sistema de almacenamiento aislado más grande instalado en Bolivia, noviembre 2019 Esta planta en el departamento de Beni, realizada por el Consorcio SIE-TTA-Mora tiene una capacidad de 156 kWp y cuenta con un sistema de almacenamiento de baterías de litio de 624 kWh Financiada por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) dentro..+
- Assessment of electrification options for off-grid areas in Cambodia, Australian Cooperation Agency / Palladium, September 2019 The consulting services aim to assess the electrification options for providing grid or near grid quality electricity to population clusters not covered by the existing and planned electricity transmission and distribution grid. Our services will support the Ministry of Mines and..+
- Strategic Plan for the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) covering the period 2020-2030, August 2019 TTA is carrying out this mandate for UNIDO, which aims at establishing the vision and mission, scope of mandate, long-term planning and resource framework and sustainability scenario(s) for this Centre, inaugurated in April 2017. The preparation of this Strategic Plan involves,..+
- Pré-réception des centrales PV compactes à Barcelone pour 5 micro-réseaux solaires hybrides dans des villages isolés du Burundi, juillet 2019 Dans le cadre de l’exécution du projet SESMA-Burundi, pour le programme de la 2ème Facilité ACP-UE, TTA et ses partenaires locaux, COTI (Compagnie des Travaux d’Infrastructures) et l’ABER (Agence Burundaise d’Électrification Rurale) ont procédé à la pré-réception des..+
- Conception, Ingénierie et Supervision des Travaux de Construction de 3 Microsystèmes Solaires Hydrides d’Électrification Rurale dans des Communes du Nord-Est – Haïti, PNUD, juin 2019 TTA, en tant qu’Ingénieur-Conseil du maître d’ouvrage, fournira des services d’assistance technique au PNUD, pour la Phase 1 : l’exécution de la conception et l’ingénierie de 3 micro-réseaux PV hybrides, incluant les spécifications, les études d’impact environnemental et social (EIES), les documents..+
- Owner’s Engineer for mini grids under Vanuatu Rural Electrification Project Stage II (VREP II), Republic of Vanuatu, May 2019 TTA is to provide full owner’s engineering services for the end-to-end delivery of up to five (5) mini grids under Vanuatu Rural Electrification Project II to the Department of Energy, Ministry of Climate Change of the Government of the Republic of..+
- Promotion of a climate-friendly electricity market in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region, May 2019 The overall objective of this mandate is to reinforce the capacity of Clean Energy Mini-Grids (CEMG) entrepreneurs, developers and/or operators in the ECOWAS sub-region and in Mauritania, through this ECREE-GIZ planned initiative. It seeks to tackle the barrier related to the..+
- Training in renewable energies for tutors in West Africa at CERMI (Centre in renewable energies and industrial maintenance), March 2019 TTA’s experts, Nicola Bugatti, Team Leader for Africa and Oriol Colell, Project Engineer, carried out in Cape Verde an 11-day training at CERMI for public tutors from West Africa, English and French speakers. Several modules covered the various aspects related to..+
- Upcoming S-Access International Conference co-organized by TTA and Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, April 2020 Co-chairmen, Xavier Vallvé, Director of TTA and Carsten Hellpap, German Energy Consultant, are pleased to invite you to the 3rd edition of the International Conference « Solar Technologies and Hybrid Mini Grids to improve Energy Access » / S-@ccess, to be held..+
- Contrato de servicios para la implementación de una planta híbrida solar en Bolivia, marzo 2019 El Consorcio SIE-TTA-Mora está ejecutando el contrato que le ha sido otorgado por el Ministerio de Energías de Bolivia, que consiste en el” Diseño, Construcción y Operación Inicial de una Planta Híbrida Solar en el Departamento del Beni”; este proyecto se..+
- Technical Assistance services for the review of a Mini-Grid report package and delivery of related events, World Bank, February 2019 TTA’s services will support the work of World Bank’s Global Facility on Mini-Grids (GFMG) and the “Energy Sector Management Assistance Program” (ESMAP). The services involve support on the preparation of WB Comprehensive Mini Grid Report and on GFMG events, such as..+
- Technical Assistance for the project management of component 2 – NESAP Programme, Niger, ANPER – World Bank, February 2019 With the financial support of the World Bank, NESAP project’s component 2, managed by the Agency for the promotion of electrification in rural areas of Niger (ANPER) aims at promoting rural electrification by solar mini-grids with a public-private-partnership (PPP) approach. TTA..+
- Technical Screening and Institutional Structuring of Off-Grid Areas Electrification, Eastern Islands of Indonesia, January 2019 The overall objective of this assignment to be carried out for World Bank is to propose least-cost technical solutions (grid extension, mini-grids or solar home systems) to electrify the off-grid areas in the 10 Easter islands, and develop tailor-made sustainable business..+