Technological Development

Development and design of innovative technologies for smart energy management, operation and efficiency - Electricity Dispenser.

Sustainable solutions adapted to the client.

Flexible and efficient solutions aiming at management of the energy generation plants and by end users.

Concepts & Solutions:

EDA | Energy Daily Allowance – Efficient distribution of energy
  • Management model and monitoring of user’s consumption
  • Algorithm for demand side management - EDA applicable to different management models | Electricity Dispenser ® (Smart meter)

EDA | Advantages:
Efficient distribution
Tariffs by tiersVariable tariffs (by time of day or real time)
Tariffs adapted to each solution
Efficient energy self-management | User’s awareness
Optimization of plant’s design
Extended batteries lifetime and performance
Reduction of transaction costs (transport, parts’ substitution…)
Reduction of management uncertainties
Social acceptability

EDA | Applications:
Electrical Micro grids
Renewable Energies (solar, wind, hydroelectric, etc.) and hybrid
Genset | National networks
Agricultural | Commercial
Urban | Peri-urban
Prepayment | Post payment


ELECTRICITY DISPENSER® (Smart metering & invoicing)
Allows integration of different tariffs and/or consumption schemes under one management model/structure:
Power limitation
Energy limitation (EDA)
Consumption based on units
Flat tariffs
A combination of the above
The configuration of the consumption parameters can be modified according to the needs and each solution.

Micro grids with solar, wind or other renewable energies generation
Micro grids with gensets
Autonomous individual systems with energy and power control


MEDSOLAR ENPI Lebanon-West Bank-Jordan| Promotion and implementation of innovative technologies and know-how transfer – Solar PV


ENPI CBC MED / Comisión Europea
2013 - 2016

The MED-Solar project is linked to the multilateral Cross-Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin Program (CBCMED). Its objectives are the development of new advanced technologies to industries and the public sector to ensure security of supply of electricity through the use of solar PV with batteries grid-connected or to a back-up system in the three target countries – Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan.

It seeks the promotion and implementation of innovative technologies and know-how transfer in the field of solar energy, particularly PV systems, including that stemming from private sector especially from SMEs, and that may be implemented particularly in public facilities through public procurement processes.

TTA was the Project Coordinator and led all the technological activities, including others such as: analysis of the network characteristics and legal framework of each of the target countries, supervision of site selection for pilot projects, installation supervision, supervision capitalization activities and dissemination of results and capacity building. The project was carried out with the participation of UPC and Solartys (Spain), CEA (France), NERC (Palestine), UNDP-Lebanon, NCRD (Jordan).

Among the key results, the following are highlighted:
  • Development of the EMS (Energy Management System)
  • Construction of 5 PV Hybrid plants (3 in Lebanon, 1 in Palestine and 1 in Jordan) with a total capacity of 592 kWp
  • Analysis of 16 representative points of the national grid in the target countries
  • Capacity building activities: 3 training sessions on the innovative solution for about 200 people
  • Impact - i.e. energy savings:
Lebanon: 475 MWh/year
West Bank: 160 MWh/year
Jordan: 130 MWh/year

Development of a tailor-made algorithm for prepayment system

French Guiana

EDF-French Guyana
2014 - 2016

EDF-Guyane is electrifying with renewable energy based microgrids the interior communities, or the “les écarts”, and seeks to ensure the quality and continuity of public service of electricity from production to distribution in isolated areas, not connected to the central Guyana grid.

The objective of this mandate from EDF-Guyane was to adapt the algorithm of the Electricity Dispenser to a prepaid unit-based meter with energy control to meet the needs of the communities and be compatible with the policies of EDF worldwide. The activities included benchmarking of financial management solutions, development according to specifications as well as training sessions for operational purposes and supply of electricity dispensers and auxiliary material.

LCA to go - Boosting Life Cycle Assessment Use in European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Serving Needs of Innovative Key Sectors with Smart Methods and Tools


Comisión Europea
2011 - 2014

"LCA to go" sought to develop environmental impact methods and tools for bio-based plastics, industrial machinery, electronics, renewable energy, sensors and smart textiles. TTA was part of the team that developed web tools to serve dedicated needs of these sectors, addressing the specifics of the technologies and implementing parameterized models, such as calculators for energy-break-even-point of photovoltaics, Product Carbon Footprints (PCF) based on technology parameters of printed circuit boards, and Key Environmental Performance Indicators (KEPIs) for smart textiles. Selected Product Category Rules have been developed to provide a robust LCA guidance for SMEs.
The web-tools, being compatible with ILCD data and other external sources, are made available as open source software, to be adapted to other sectors.

The project was carried out by TTA together with an international group of companies (Fraunhofer, ITR, TUW, TUD, Simpple, EDC, ITENE, SIRRIS, GAIA, MicroPro, Futureshape, ELDOS, TAIPRO, VALSAY, CDAMC, ITRI, UMC).

TTA, as SME expert in renewable energy within the group involved in the project:

- Contributed with RE insight into PV into PV systems, the components and processes involved as well as assess current available tools used by the sector

- Carried out the selection of two case studies and tool for the PV sector testing and validation

- Carried out the activities of dissemination of results.

ZeroWIN –Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks | “Hacia Cero Residuos en Redes Industriales”


Comisión Europea
2009 - 2014

The European project “Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks (ZeroWIN)” aimed at examining and developing new and innovative approaches and effective strategies for the prevention of waste in industries based on industrial symbiosis and its expected results are the decrease of a 30% of the greenhouse gases emissions, the increase of a 70% the overall re-use and recycling of waste and the 75% reduction of water utilization.

10 Case studies involving different sectors have been developed in order to demonstrate the achievement of the ZeroWIN goals.

The ZeroWIN consortium was formed of 32 partners from 11 countries dominated by industry - 3 large companies and 13 SMEs.

TTA was in charge of the design of a power conditioning and the design and installation of two PV systems. Both the power conditioning prototype and the followed D4R (Design for Recycling, Repair, Refurbishment and Reuse) criteria were defined and applied within the project. Some of the measures implemented were: the use of off-spec PV modules, the structures supporting the PV modules were made of elements originated as waste in construction or demolition site, reuse of cabling and protections, use of li-ion batteries.

Moreover, the strategy of use has been also innovative: grid-connected PV systems with li-ion storage.

The ZeroWIn goals (the decrease of a 30% of the greenhouse gases emissions, the increase of a 70% the overall re-use and recycling of waste and the 75% reduction of fresh water utilisation) were achieved satisfactorily.

Website of the project:

Tlf. Barcelona: +34 93 446 3234
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